The Fortune Cookie!


So again, I am a little late on my weekly post, but I am staying committed and I am going to catch up this week.

Week 4 was a little rough for me last week.  The radiation is getting stronger each week, and the Chemo is wearing me down.   The fatigue from radiation is horrible, and put chemo on top of it and I am completely wiped out.    My 4th chemo treatment they gave me alot of pre-meds because of the reaction I had the week before.   Needless to say I don’t remember much of my day last Wednesday.   My dad was there again that day and we were only 2 rooms down from one another, so we got to visit a little.

Kyle and I try to have strive to have lunch together at least once a week.  We don’t get many date nights or time alone, so our lunch date is important to us.   It gives us a chance to sit down and talk without the kids, computers, cell phone (though occasionally it rings at lunch).  We hadn’t had a lunch date in a few weeks because everthing had been so hectic.  Friday we finally found time to meet up at our favorite place for lunch.  Ichiban!   We love Sushi!   Anyway, as we were sitting there talking my sweet husband expressed to me that he had a little mini meltdown the night before when the heater was acting up and we had our friend over trying to fix it at 10pm at night.   I completely lost it, and had a meltdown of my own.   Kyle has really been amazing through the whole process of my diagnosis and treatment.  I feel alot of guilt at times because he is carrying so much of the load at home with the kids, and trying to keep the house clean, and take care of me if I need it.   My meltdown was because I don’t want him to have to carry the load…I am the MOM and WIFE….I am supposed to be the glue that holds everything together…I am supposed to carry that load…thats why moms were made.   So at the end of lunch I open my fortune cookie and I laughed hysterically….”any day above ground is a good day.”    Talk about reality smacking you in the face.   Here I am having a meltdown and feeling guilty, only to be reminded… HEY DUMMY….YOU’RE ALIVE….BE THANKFUL!

I am thankful every single day for the support, prayers, love, and encouragement that I receive everyday from those around me.   I am SO incredibly BLESSED.    My sweet chemo nurse last week reminded me of something “His grace is sufficient”.

But he said unto me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  2 Corinthians 12:9

Much Love,


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